Anne Wissemann
Helping you become the person you really want to be

Anne Wissemann
Helping you become the person you really want to be

Schedule a session
The first session is always freeImpressions
Remmelt Ellen
Project Manager, EA Netherlands
"Anne was great at making me feel at ease and taking me through concrete steps of more complicated social situations. I appreciated her gentle feedback, which she seems to draw from a lot of experience in both building connections and personal productivity. I came away with a deeper understanding of how to comfort and support someone who’s experiencing emotional difficulties."
Mirela Mustata
Product Manager, Luna Labs GmbH
“Working with Anne helped me structure my thinking to better suit my current goals and process challenges more effectively. Aside from being a great coach, Anne is a warm and very interesting person to talk to. Highly recommend!”
Christian Kamm
Freelance Software Engineer
“I strongly recommend talking to Anne. We've worked together in various contexts over the years and her feedback and insight have been invaluable to me many times. A significant personal shift I made was enabled by her input and might not have happened without it. She also has particular skill in disentangling social and relationship puzzles. This works because she's an outstanding listener, attentive and empathetic, making me feel safe and at ease while poking at thorny internals."
(Christian and I have not done coaching together; his recommendation is based on our interactions in the local Rationality community)
Gunnar Zarncke
CTO of a Fintech startup
“Danke Anne für die vielen auf mich zugeschnittenen Coachings, die mich mit Kopf und Herz abgeholt haben. Durch Dich kann ich meine Gefühle in Konflikten besser erkennen, bewusster mit Spannungen umgehen und anderen mehr Raum lassen.”
Contact Me
Feedback and questions are welcome! You can also give me anonymous feedback here.
Prenzlauer Allee 237
10405 Berlin
Calls via
Skype: anne.wissemann
Google Hangouts:
© 2018